Saturday, May 16, 2009

MotorCity Comic-con

Hella Stickers
Originally uploaded by Matt DeLight

...I made hella stickers, and plan to count my 'zine millions soon.
I farted so hard i hought i birthed a galaxy. And the boys and I have brain stormed a fucking hurricane black hole.
I'm tired and I hurt and I am having the time of my life.

No rest for the Wicked Onez

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So, I'm at the airport....

Crayon 217
Originally uploaded by Matt DeLight

And you can not believe how many of the cats and kittens crawling around here are wearing surgical masks. Like I'd say about 5% of my plane where rocking them.
I thought that was two weeks ago.

But man.... it's fucking eerie.
The future is gonna be sooooooo bright. Me, I'm investing in sunglasses now.

Oh, and I had a super long eye-brow hair. It was an inch and a half...and white. I took care of it with an old key. (I am at the airport remember.)

...oh hey, my flight is boarding.