Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back from Portland and boy are my arms tired...

my mollusk...
Originally uploaded by Matt DeLight

Yeah, I got back from the Portland Zine Symposium...
It was pretty rad, I guess. However, my girlfriend of the last year and a half broke up with me after a 17 hour bus ride....and that kinda sucked. That fucking bitch.
(unless, she's reading this...and then...I loved you sweetie...please take me back)
Anyhoo, got to meet some of the pure sweets...Kathryn, Derek...uh...and some others...god, I'm fucking terrible...but, so tired. Everyone was the coolest...and special shout-out to Laura and Kevin Cross fer putting me up....
and speaking of which, Kevin Cross and I recorded a Podcast...which is why I posted the My Mollusk pic...(trust me, all will be revealed)

Listen to it, and then everything Kevin's ever done...he's REALLY talented...NOW!...start googling